Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Syllogisms vs. Modus Ponens vs. Modus Tollens

Syllogisms is deductive reasoning to derive a conclusion from two premises. Each premise is composed of two terms. One of these terms are repeated in each premise so there is basically three terms in a syllogism. Each premise has one term in common with the conclusion; in a major premise, this is the predicate of the conclusion and in a minor premise, it is the subject of the conclusion.

Example) Filipinos are dark skinned
Hanseul is dark skinned
Hanseul is Filipino

Modus Ponens
If premise "p" is true, then premise "q" is true.

Example) If you are Asian, you have chinky eyes
I am Asian
Therefore, I have chinky eyes

Modus Tollens
Modus Tollens is basically the negative of modus ponens.
If premise "p" is true, then premise "q" is true..."q" is false, therefore "p" is false as well

Example) If you are Asian, you have chinky eyes
You do not have chinky eyes
Therefore, you are not Asian

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