Monday, February 23, 2009

Five Ways~

Looking at Thomas Aquina's Five Ways, his First Way: the arguement from motion is the worse. I believe this is the wort of the five not only because it could be easily disproved but because all the other ways are based on this first one. If the first way proved to be wrong, that would prove that the remaining four are wrong as well by default. His way states that nothing can move itself. Like a set of dominoes set up, there must be a force that moved it in the first place and then the dominoes will fall in order. It also states that if every object in motion ha da mover, then the first object in motion needs a mover or a force. According to Aquinas, the first mover was God. In his arguement, he titles God as the Unmoved Mover. However, the components of this arguement contradict each other. I mean, how could you say, "Oh everything has a mover EXCEPT God." So God is the only exception from this set of rules that applies to the entire universe? This arguement is begging the question, he is assuming that God is unmoved without the proper evidence.


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